No Limit Texas Hold'em seems to be taking over the world these days, but little do people know that No Limit Hold'em was actually a dying game before Benny Binion reintroduced it when he started the World Series of Poker at the Horseshoe in 1970. Remember, poker is not the name of one card game, but of a variation of card games where betting is involved. The Poker Forum is one of the best places on the web that I've found with detailed
rules about different variations of poker from Texas Hold'em to Mississippi Seven Card Stud.

Benny Binion - Founder of Harrah's Horseshoe Casino
And if I had to choose an ideal poker game, it would be pot limit with mixed games. A good mix of Hold'em, Omaha, Omaha Hi/Low, Stud, Stud Hi/Low, Mississippi Stud, Lowball & Draw High. Good times...Good times.
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